60.6 F
Saturday, March 15, 2025

IDOT crews out in force pre-treating, treating for first snow

COLLINSVILLE – Illinois Department of Transportation spokesperson Joe Monroe expressed pride in the aggressive work of the District 8 group Wednesday night and into Thursday pre-treating and treating the roads prior to the first snowfall of the winter season.

“We pre-treated Wednesday night due to the rain to be safe and we put brine down during the day,” he said. “By 1:40 in the morning on Thursday, we had 160 trucks out in all 11 counties of District 8,” he said. “The men and women did a great job behind the plow. The front-line supervisors also did a good job.”

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The roads varied throughout District 8, depending on the intensity of snowfall. Monroe was in St. Clair County in the afternoon on Thursday and even then the snow was still coming down. At the time he said the forecast he had was that the snow would subside by 3 o’clock.

Monroe said he thought the aggressive approach Wednesday to Thursday worked well for IDOT.

“It was nice to have a forecast for once that really didn’t change and we didn’t have to change our plan,” he said. “It was a forecast that was supposed to be a very cold event with dry fluffy stuff and the winds stayed down. We were exceptionally aggressive, which paid off.”



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