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‘CONVERSATION TOWARD A BRIGHTER FUTURE’: Granite City High School’s ‘Ripple Effect of Attitude’ project

The following article is presented as part of the Mannie Jackson Center for the Humanities’ “Conversations Toward A Brighter Future” discussion series.

The articles are prepared by the participants of the discussion in their own words.

GRANITE CITY – Granite City High School’s “The Ripple Effect of Attitude” Project, in its second year, is off to an outstanding start with most of the 1,858 total student enrollment involved. Our view is that improving school attitude is key to increasing respect, dignity, understanding, and forgiveness.  These four pillars of the Mannie Jackson Center for Humanities Foundation are aspects of attitude and have a reciprocal effect upon each other.  As this goal is achieved, barriers between social, racial, and economic groups will narrow. 

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The goal of “The Ripple Effect of Attitude” project is to change the atmosphere and attitude of our students, faculty, and staff by working through school clubs and groups to step up and become role models to promote positive attitude.  In this way, we will cause a ripple effect that will instill understanding and forgiveness as solutions to the problems of disrespect and lack of dignity.

Specific activities may include:

  • “The Ripple Effect of Attitude” posters will be on display in the halls as a way of raising awareness.
  • Cafeteria mixers will be scheduled twice a month where students and teachers will sit with other people and talk.
  • A scheduled “Say Something Nice Day” will involve both students and teachers.
  • Positive Role Models – involve Leadership Council, Student Council, staff and administration.
  • Make Character Traits Real – have groups and clubs sign up for a Word of the Month, make a video, and send it to teachers to show in their classes; have giveaways for staff to give to students displaying positive character trait of the month; students can make posters to hang in the hallways with the Word of the Month on them for a small prize.
  • Role Reversal Day – work with administration, school board, & staff to pair with students.
  • What Does It Take? Video Clips – involve sports teams and band to show differences in skills people have and can develop
  • Pillars Posters – work with journalism and photo shop classes to include every student in positive actions around the school and community.
  • Community Events – create family activity nights just for fun promoting the Four Pillars of Respect, Dignity, Understanding, and Forgivness.
  • Positive Social Media – involve the school newspaper website and have a “Posting Challenge” based on the Four Pillars throughout other forms of social media.

Data collection will include initial one-on-one polls, followed up by more detailed surveys taken online by students.  School-wide discipline numbers and graduation rates will be gathered at the end of each project year to evaluate program impact.

The Ripple Effect of Attitude project focuses on the importance of a positive attitude; reinforcing the idea that one bad experience does not ruin the entire day.

  • Pillar Word of the Month – Highlights one of the four pillars, educates students about the meaning of the pillar and what they can do to show it.
  • Monday Matters –The Pillar Word of the month is highlighted during school announcements to set the tone for the week.
  • Music Mondays – Started as a way to improve attitude and to make connections between students and staff. Variety of music is played.
  • Character Day – The school observed Character Day, a global movement with over 81,000 groups in 121 countries around the world. The event promoted good character through teacher activities in the classrooms.
  • Role Model Day – Students vote for teachers and staff who they feel are the most positive role model. Those who won received a certificate to recognize their contribution.
  • Role Reversal Day – Students pair with administration, school board, & staff to swap places for a day to build a greater understanding in what each go through on a regular day.



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