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IDOT releases list of road closures for week of November 13

COLLINSVILLE – Motorists should be aware of the following on-going closures:


  • IL 143 over Shoal Creek CLOSED to replace existing structure crossing Shoal Creek through December 2018. A detour route will be posted utilizing US 40 to Interstate 70 (Highland/Pierron Exit 30) to IL 127 (Greenville Exit 45). (PAG)


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  • I-55 restricted to one lane in each direction north of IL 143 from mile marker 24 to mile marker 26 for repairs on the bridges at this location. The interstate will remain restricted to one lane in each direction until the end of August 2018. (JA)
  • IL 111/267 in Brighton will have temporary lane restrictions/closures between the hours of 7:30 AM and 4:00 PM through Wednesday, November 22, 2017 to allow the Village to safely work on their water main. (Proj. Supp./Lehmann)
  • Baumann Road at I-70 approximately 1.5 miles north of Pierron closed through late summer 2018. (JA)
  • SIU Northern Access Road over Cahokia Creek between IL 143 and New Poag Road reduced to one lane for approximately one month. At that time, the northbound and southbound lanes will both be reduced to one lane for the remainder of the project to repair the surfaces of both bridges through November 2017. (JA)


  • I-255 between Collinsville Road and the Mississippi River two of three lanes restricted in both directions Sunday through Friday between the hours of 6:00 PM and 6:00 AM to complete pavement repairs through November 22, 2017. (JGG)

List of daily lane closures, weather permitting:


  • **NEW** I-55/70 between I-55/70/I-255 interchange and I-55/70/Black Lane interchange in Collinsville periodic lane restrictions/closures to allow Ameren IL to safely work on their overhead power lines between the hours of 7:00 AM and 5:30 PM. (Proj. Supp./Lehmann)

Complete press releases for IDOT are available at http://www.idot.illinois.gov/about-idot/stay-connected/news-releases/Construction/releases.

For IDOT District 8 updates on Twitter, follow us at https://twitter.com/IDOTDistrict8.


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