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Friday, March 14, 2025

Babcock agrees with Governor’s veto, calls MESD bill a “Backroom Deal”

GRANITE CITY –Mike Babcock, candidate for State Representative in the 111th District, joined Governor Bruce Rauner today for a ceremony where the Governor vetoed SB 2368, a controversial bill that would change the composition of the Metro East Sanitary District (MESD) board.

The previous sanitary district board, responsible for maintaining levees along the Mississippi River and providing sewer service for 5,700 customers, came under fire for running large budget deficits, failing to properly maintain vital infrastructure to prevent flooding, and for being a shelter for political patronage. The current leadership has successfully reversed these trends.

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“This bill is the definition of a backroom deal,” Babcock said. “Its sole purpose to protect political cronyism in local government and I totally support Governor Rauner’s veto. Monica Bristow needs to explain to the people of this district why she voted for a bill that hands the sanitary board back to those who mismanaged it for years.”

Over the past decade, the MESD lost approximately $8 million, nearly $800 thousand dollars per year, but in spite of this the board voted to give themselves a $15,000 salary and health benefits paid for by taxpayers. Under Republican leadership, the board has seen a return to budget surpluses, greater efficiency, and increased transparency.

Babcock called on his opponent to side with the Governor. “Monica Bristow needs to vote to uphold the Governor’s veto in the house. This legislation is a textbook backroom deal that rewards insiders and changes the rules to benefit politicians over voters and taxpayers. I will always side with the hard-working people of this district over career politicians.”


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