56 F
Saturday, March 15, 2025

Ameren Illinois Offers DIY Tips for Managing Energy Usage During COVID-19

COLLINSVILLE – With warmer temperatures on the way and families using more energy while at home, Ameren Illinois is reminding customers of several “do-it-yourself” (DIY) tips for keeping energy bills low.

“As we set up mobile workspaces in home offices, spend more time with the TV on and put our dishwashers and laundry machines through more frequent cycles, we are consuming more energy,” said Kristol Simms, Director of Energy Efficiency and Innovation for Ameren Illinois. “However, there are proactive steps our customers can take to manage that usage during this stay-at-home period.”

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Consider the following tips:

LED lighting: Ensure you are utilizing ENERGY STAR® certified LED lightbulbs. LEDs provide high-quality light output, use 75% less energy and last up to 25 times longer than standard incandescent bulbs, helping to save money on both energy bills and replacement costs.

Dishwasher and laundry: Only run the dishwasher and washer/dryer when loads are completely full. Additionally, using warm or cold water as opposed to hot can significantly reduce the load’s energy. Keep in mind that you can also air-dry clothes as temperatures start to warm.

Heating and cooling: Adjust your thermostat setting to 76-78F degrees when cooling and 68-69F degrees when heating. Moving the thermostat even one degree in either direction can result in either six-eight percent savings or increase in costs. Ameren Illinois is also offering $100 rebates on smart thermostats via AmerenIllinoisSavings.com/Marketplace. These innovative devices help to reduce energy costs by automatically learning and adjusting your temperature preferences.

Water heater: A water heater set to 140 degrees or higher can waste between $36–$61 each year. Turning it down to 120 degrees helps to save money and conserve energy without giving up those warm and relaxing showers.

Electronics: Involve your kids by sending them on a home scavenger hunt to unplug anything with a red or green blinking light that is not currently in use. Many people don’t realize but plugged in electronics continue to draw power even after they are turned off. Ameren Illinois also recommends installing advanced power strips, which reduce the amount of standby power utilized by electronics.

Air filters: Your cooling unit has likely accumulated significant dust from being dormant in the winter. Make a point of replacing the filter. This not only enables the unit to operate more efficiently, but it also keeps the air free of dust.

Ceiling fans: Ensure ceiling fans are rotating counterclockwise. In addition to creating a downward flow of air so your space feels cooler, this easy trick helps to curtail usage.

“Especially while we are spending more time at home, a commitment to energy efficiency is a great way to not only reduce the energy bill, but also to curtail your environmental footprint,” Simms added.

For more information on ways to save as well as rebates on energy efficiency products, visit amerenillinoisavings.com.


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