EDWARDSVILLE – Southern Illinois University Edwardsville College of Arts and Sciences’ Department of Anthropology will host J. Lorand Matory, PhD, Lawrence Richardson Distinguished Professor of Cultural Anthropology at Duke University, to deliver the lecture “Performance, Compromise and the Living Museum Artifact,” from 5 to 6 p.m. on Tuesday, March 14.
The lecture focuses on the artworks in the Sacred Arts of the Black Atlantic Collection at Duke University, believed to be living members of an ever-expanding social community. The museum operates on the premise that the personhood of the artworks can be kept alive, and that this must be done to fulfill the museum’s mission to build and educate multicultural communities.
In this lecture, museum studies, performance studies and the new materialism meet the living gods of Africa and its diaspora, with mutually transformative results.
Click here to visit the Sacred Arts of the Black Atlantic exhibit. The lecture will be live streamed via Zoom.