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The Economics of Solar: Illinois vs. Missouri Explained

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HIGHLAND – GRID Solar is prepared for another great season of providing solar energy savings.

On a recent episode of “Our Daily Show!” with C.J. Nasello, GRID Solar co-owner Ryan Wagner shared how solar systems can benefit customers on both sides of the river. Wagner explained that while every customer has their own goals for their system, and although Illinois and Missouri have different policies and incentives in place, there are still major savings possible when you install a solar system through GRID.

“We try to design the most economical version of that system, because whether you’re preparing for Armageddon or you want to save the planet, whichever one, everybody wants to save money,” Wagner said. “We always design our systems with that at the forefront.”

Ameren Illinois recently changed their net metering policy, but Ameren Missouri — which, Wagner pointed out, is a completely different company — has the original net metering policy in place. This means Illinois customers benefit from installing a battery backup to their new solar systems, but Missouri customers don’t necessarily need the battery backup for their system to be efficient.

However, Wagner noted that Illinois has greater incentives for installing a solar system. He believes that the end result is more or less even, and both Illinois and Missouri customers benefit from installing their own systems.

“What we’ve found is that really, for both customers, be it Illinois or Missouri, the payback numbers and basically the economics of solar are about the same,” he explained. “In Illinois, you have an extra incentive. That extra incentive pays for that expensive battery that you have to buy now for it to be worth it. In Missouri, you don’t have that extra incentive, but you do have one-to-one net metering, so you don’t have to buy the battery anymore. At the end of the day, it all shakes out to be about the same.”

Wagner said that Ameren Missouri recently proposed a 15% rate increase. Additionally, the company produces 500 megawatts of solar energy in solar fields across Missouri. Wagner believes the rate increase is a result of this solar installation, and he encourages people to think about who they’d rather get solar energy from: their own system, or Ameren’s?

“They are basically saying, ‘We need to raise your rates so that we can have you go solar,’” he said. “I tell people, you’re going to go solar one way or the other. It’s just who are you going to pay for that solar? You can buy your own solar, finish paying it off, it still produces, costs you nothing now because your monthly payment’s done, you paid the loan off, whatever. Or you can pay Ameren, who will never stop charging you. They will never stop charging you higher rates, and it doesn’t add value to your house.”

Wagner understands that solar energy is complicated, and a lot of people aren’t sure if it’s the right decision for them. He encourages those who are interested to visit GRID Solar’s website and fill out the form on the front page. A GRID Solar representative will design a system for you and then reach out to tell you more. Wagner promises that GRID only makes three attempts to contact you.

You can check out GRIDSolarLLC.com or their official Facebook page for more information.


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