SPRINGFIELD – State Senator Christopher Belt advanced a measure to expand career and technical education programs to support regional manufacturing.
“A lot of kids grow up thinking that college is the only option to be successful, and while a four-year degree is great, there are plenty of high-paying jobs in the manufacturing industry that young people may not know about,” said Belt (D-Swansea). “For many jobs, kids might become interested because of a parent or family member, and we want to open the door for other youth without similar experiences. Further, for kids who may already be interested in technical education, this bill would give them the experience they need to get a job right away.”
Senate Bill 58 would expand a current program that is successful in other parts of the state to the Metro East. The program allows manufacturing companies to partner with local community colleges and high schools to set up technical training programs that would translate directly into a job. This gives students from all backgrounds access to job training programs at their high school or local community college that is needed through the regional partnership.
“Manufacturing is a cornerstone of the Illinois economy, and one of the industry’s key challenges is finding skilled workers,” said Sarah Hartwick, IMA Education Foundation Executive Director. “To build the next generation workforce, it’s important we work collaboratively with employers, educators and policymakers to create chances for students to learn about manufacturing through career exploration and specialized training opportunities. We thank Sen. Christopher Belt for his leadership on this impactful measure, which will strengthen regional partnerships to develop a pipeline of talent that will invest our communities for generations to come.”
Senate Bill 58 passed the Senate State Government Committee on Wednesday.