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Saturday, October 5, 2024

Wild Arrows Auction Open For Business

JERSEY COUNTY – Jenn Shanks and Dani McCoy opened Wild Arrows Auction in February. 

Dani and Jenn are best friends with a passion for small farming. They are both stay-at-home, homeschooling moms. Jenn has two kids and Dani has five. Among their various hobbies, they both really love chickens and the idea of having small farms.

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Wild Arrows Auction is a  small livestock auction. They sell small livestock (fowl, hedgehogs, guinea pigs, rabbits, and three times a year goats and sheep) their next goat sale is this month, June 23rd. 

“We always invite local small businesses to be vendors for them because we really want to serve our local area and stimulate our economy specifically. Like, we have Germania coming in June but we would never invite a large national chain like Starbucks to serve coffee. We have a vendor application on our Facebook if any of your readers with small businesses want to apply”. Jenn Shanks said 

Their goals are to keep doing what they are doing for now but they dream of having their own auction house on their own land someday.

” We want to be a staple in this community, we want to leave the auction to our kids. My deepest wish personally is that the kids that attend our auction go on to tell their grandchildren about the fun they had at Wild Arrows Auction. I’ll be dead by then, of course, but that’s the kind of legacy I want. Dani feels the same, she talks fondly about her dad taking her to auctions.” Shanks said

They started this business because they were driving almost two hours to the closest small livestock auction despite the fact that this area has a thriving agricultural community right here.

 They kept thinking that this community had a need for an auction and that someone should start it. Why not us? Farmers are busy, hardworking people and it’s hard to finish up with your fields and your animals and then have time to drive hours to make it on time to an auction. 

For more information, you can find them on Facebook at Wild Arrows Auction.

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